History Hunter: The Steamer Trunk from Eagle Rock

Through a couple of auction sites I’ve been able to piece this puzzle together a little further. There was in fact a company in Denver, Colorado that specialized in leather goods and trunks. The building still stands today.

To date I haven’t been able to find a photo of another trunk that’s the exact same as mine, but we aren’t far off. I’m glad I at least have the company sticker as a clue, but I wish my trunk had a travel label on it that indicated a voyage on some fine vessel, such as this one that traveled aboard the S. S. Empress of France”.

Though the building is of historical value, it finds itself vacant. You may also find of interest: Best Lost Denver Alley Sign 2010 and a photo of the A.E. Meek sign today.

This photo of one of their delivery vehicles is by far my favorite find from the research process.


A.E. Meek Trunk & Bag Co. Delivery Truck

A.E. Meek Trunk & Bag Co. Delivery Truck




From Bedtime to Sink Skirt: How to Upcycle Vintage Sheets

At an estate sale in Pasadena a year or two back, I was fortunate to find some brightly colored sheets in impeccable shape. When I moved into my latest apartment I planned on transforming those sheets into a shower curtain for our claw-foot tub.


Line dried vintage sheets.

Well, practicality took over and we opted not to do that. Instead, we shifted our focus to the naked area beneath the small sink in the bathroom. It had recently been transformed into a storage area for our emergency water and was now home to two 5-gallon jugs. Not the prettiest sight while you’re sitting on the porcelain throne.

My dear friend’s Mom was kind enough to lend her sewing skills one summer afternoon and created a lovely skirt to cover my jugs. I am much happier with the view.

Sink Skirt

The finished product, a dandy sink skirt.

Now on to create something with the striped sheet!